The Bachelor’s degree programme
„Economics and International Business” has the
proper subjects for the students to acquire the following
professional and transversal skills:
Professional Skills
- Research and analyses regarding the business environment
- Support in preparing and developing international business
- International business performance according to the contract
- Support for the international promoting activities fulfillment
- Support in promoting specific activities /initiatives
within the international economic organizations
Transversal Skills
- Strategy of applying the principles, norms and professional
ethical values in the strict, effective and responsible
work environment
- Emphasis of the tasks and responsibilities in a multifunctional
team and the implementation of communication skills and
effective teamwork
- Emphasis of the ongoing training opportunities and the
efficient capitalization of the resources and techniques
in self intellectual development
Considering the contents of the subjects in the specific
syllabuses, the Bachelor’s degree programme „Economics
and International Business” endows its graduates with
specialty competencies in accordance with the demands on
the Romanian and European labor market and the Jobs Classification
in Romania (RJC 2015) for the following eventual positions/jobs:
• Counsellor / expert / inspector / reviewer / International
Economic Relations Economist (244105),
• Economist Research Assistant in International Economic
Relations (258112),
• Consular Agent (241903),
• Diplomatic attaché (241905),
• Exhibitions Presenter (241912),
• Diplomatic Secretary (241914),
• Commercial Correspondent (241916),
• Economic Secretary ( education) (241917),
• Customs Controller,
• Controller for customs duty,
• Customs agent (higher education ) ( 241920),
• Customer Services Analyst (241922),
• Commercial Assistant (241923),
• Director Assistant/ Responsible for Operation (higher
education) (241924),
• Expert in accessing European structural and cohesion
funds (241948),
• European Affairs Advisor (241949),
• Expert contracting investment activities (241950).